Fashion Trends of the 1990’s


Fashion Trends of the 1990’s

Fashion trends come and go, as do many things in the fashion world, so it is safe to say that the 1990’s saw the introduction of hip hop and rap styles into the world of fashion, which were seen as rebellious and somewhat outrageous. The fashion of this era included bright colors, bright glitzy designs, and intricate and hard to fit clothing. Many of these fashion trends could be seen in areas such as Los Angeles, New York City, and the Fashion Districts of Chicago. With all of this, it can be said that the 1990’s represented a revolutionary point in fashion, one that would create huge amounts of interest for fashion enthusiasts everywhere.

The decade ended with two of the most important urban fashion trends, which were visible on everyone: nail polish and neon colors. Nail polish became an integral part of many women’s wardrobes because of it’s bright and unique colors. This trend was also popular among the more glamorous of fashion trends, like that of the French Housewives of the Parisian suburbs. In fact, some would argue that it was the decline of the French Housewives that helped nail polish gain such popularity, as they became less necessary as women began to wear nail polish on a daily basis.

One other trend that didn’t quite reach the feverish levels of the previous decade was the “bohemian” fashion of the era. This was a type of fashion that revolved around clothes and jewelry from different locales around the world. For example, the Native American tribes wore beautiful pieces of clothing with designs that were similar to Native American designs. Also popular in the 1990’s were African-inspired fashions that were heavily decorated in gold, silver, and rugs. These designs are still popular even today, although the overall designs have changed. Regardless, the 1990’s represented a bold and exciting time in fashion for all of America, which is something to be proud of.
